mercredi 13 février 2008

phpGW first item from todo list

Hi all,

That's it !

You will find here md5sum is 6361f49b0b007975e5f02f72e43b355f a qcow image for running phpgroupware in a kvm/qemu environnement. This will help you to demonstrate phpgroupware evrywhere. Here are some infos :

  • The image is around 456Mo (Ouch)

  • root password is phpgroupware-head

  • the user : phpgw the password phpgroupware

  • Once logged in xdm, with the user, an iceweasel is launch pointing to the login page

  • user there is still phpgw and the password is either fghjkl or phpgroupware (don't remember which)

  • I configured as much as possible the phpgroupware to let you see the base applications (email/addressbook/notes/infolog/headlines(pointing on planet phpGroupWare)/etc ...)

  • To enable other applications, login as admin password : phpgroupware, then go in the admin section, then in the user group section, then default and add acl there.

This is a start base for work. There's a lot's more to do, but it's pretty runnable with the following command :
qemu -m 512 phpgw-16.qcow

If you need more infos, just leave a comment here, I will answer ASAP. Feel free to modify the image to feet your needs, and let us know where to get it !


PS: For French Users (most of the intended audience ?) the keyboard is qwerty, I let you google on how modify this at boot time :)

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

It's running 0.9.16, right ?

Are there any plans for an image with 0.9.18 ?

Caeies a dit…

Hi Olivier,

Yes it's atm an 0.9.16.

And yes I have plan for an image with the dev version. But it's still unstable this time since Dave is merging trees btw 2 repos. So as far as we got a more "workable" snapshot, I will push a new image for the devs.

The first intent of this image is to allow people to create a bootable cd for example with a full phpGroupWare running, for demos :).



Keaton S a dit…

Thank you forr sharing