mercredi 13 janvier 2010

Happy New Year 2010 and the new repository for phpgroupware

Happy new year 2010 !

Yeah, one year without posting ... not good, but still there. I'm busy, as all of you, and my professional life is a little bit like a "Dallas Story". Anyway, the subject of this post is to help new (and old ;) phpGW developers to configure their svn:externals references.

So please, use this to edit your externals :
svn edit svn:externals [path/to/the directory which will contains the directories]
then for example :

admin svn+ssh://
calendar svn+ssh://
hrm svn+ssh://
manual svn+ssh://

another solution, if you want a particuliar revision (very usefull for tags for example) :

calendar -r12500 svn+ssh://

That's for the theory. But there's some pitfalls. One of them is that anonymous people extracting these externals using svn+http:// protocol will not be able to extract them correctly (and I still have no clue on how making this working). Another one is (like me) if your username is not the same as in your environnement. Then ssh comes to the rescue :
  • edit the ~/.ssh/config
  • add these lines :
    Host *
    User Caeies
  • save and quit.
Note that you can add your private key path here when you try to connect to I let you doing this after a man ssh_config.



3 commentaires:

paparazzia a dit…

Bonne année, Caeies ;)

Anonyme a dit…

Koreans cannot gamble at casinos— with one exception I’ll mention later. Do not underestimate this as a result of|as a end result of} this shapes the whole gambling culture here. Kangwon Land ducked under the government cap last year by US$63 million, with income down 8% from a year earlier, working revenue down 31% and visitation down 8% to 2.eighty five million. Active measures to crimp on line casino take embrace slicing the desk count 바카라사이트 from 200 to one hundred eighty , restricting VIP memberships and decreasing casino operations by two hours to 10 a.m.-4 a.m. To try to reverse declines, however not an excessive amount of}, management last month shifted working hours to 12 noon-6 a.m.

Addison Archer a dit…

Thanks for writing tthis